500 error while Running pomerium-helm on eks behind NLB

What happened?

After creating a tunnel using

$ pomerium-cli tcp  worker1-iap.orgdomain.io:22
listening on
error serving local connection: invalid http response code: 500

from a second terminal, while sshing its throwing 500

$ssh suser@localhost -p 34523

This is the corresponding log from pomerium-proxy pod


What did you expect to happen?

it to open auth page on browser and redirect after login

How’d it happen?

I am running pomerium-helm without TLS on eks and exposing it via NLB.
TLS termination happens at NLB and it forwards to http port of service.

What’s your environment like?

  • Pomerium version (retrieve with pomerium --version):
    image: pomerium/pomerium:v0.17.1
  • Server Operating System/Architecture/Cloud:
    helm.sh/chart: pomerium-31.1.3

What’s your config.yaml?

  rootDomain: Orgdomain.io
  address: :80
  insecure: true
  grpc_address: :80
  insecure_server: true
  insecureProxy: true
  ingressController: false
    - from: tcp+https://worker1-iap.orgdomain.io:22
      to: tcp://
        - orgdomain.io
    - from: tcp+https://worker2-iap.orgdomain.io:22
      to: tcp://
        - orgdomain.io

What did you see in the logs?


Could someone help me to understand what is happening here?

1 Like
  • do you have IdP set up?
  • do any of the HTTP-only routes work ?
  • there must be an additional info from authorize service elaborating the reason for rejection

Yes I’ve configured google IdP,
authenticate endpoint is tested to work by exposing as ingress endpoint

not getting any log on authorize side while this errors out on proxy side

do any of the HTTP-only routes work?

yes, the exposed authenticate endpoint worked fine

  1. there must be a corresponding error in authorize pod with further details
  2. Normally you should have your browser open, note there is a browser-cmd option if there’s an issue with your default browser opening command.
  3. is your certificate chain trusted on the machine you’re running pomerium-cli? try disable-tls-verification option.