No support for Google Cloud Serverless authentication in Kubernetes?

We came to a surprising statement in the documentation reading the configuration option enable_google_cloud_serverless_authentication that Kubernetes does not support Enable Google Cloud Serverless Authentication.

Why it is so? What is the difference between standalone / docker ways of running Pomerium and running it in K8s cluster?

GCP context is still there. Same code can detect presence of the configured Service Account.

We want to call CloudRuns from the Pomerium Gateway, deployed in the K8s and that is of cause a show stopper for us, because the K8s is the only recommended way of productive deployment of the service (or do I miss something?)

We’ve tested Pomerium as Docker and in the same setup and it was all looking very promising.

Requested feature with Support enable_google_cloud_serverless_authentication in Ingress annotation · Issue #944 · pomerium/ingress-controller · GitHub