service":"autocert","error":"no OCSP stapling for []: no OCSP server specified in certificate

What happened?

service":“autocert”,“error”:“no OCSP stapling for []: no OCSP server specified in certificate”

What did you expect to happen?

How’d it happen?

  1. Ran x
  2. Clicked y
  3. Saw error z

What’s your environment like?

  • Pomerium version (retrieve with pomerium --version):
  • Server Operating System/Architecture/Cloud:

What’s your config.yaml?

# Paste your configs here
# Be sure to scrub any sensitive values

What did you see in the logs?

# Paste your logs here.
# Be sure to scrub any sensitive values

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

This error means that were was no OCSP server specified in a certificate so we could not staple the OCSP response. These errors are no longer logged with autocert: suppress OCSP stapling errors by calebdoxsey · Pull Request #4371 · pomerium/pomerium · GitHub. What version of Pomerium are you running?