How to install on AWS EKS

What happened?

I am new to this tool.
and I am reading your doc, Installation | Pomerium.

I preferred using helm, but pomerium did not support helm chart anymore.

when I followed your document,
cert-manager is required, but in my case, I have domain (AWS Route53) and certificate (AWS ACM).
In this case should I install cert-manager?

Second, I use aws-loadbalancer-controller for ingress controller.
And what can I do for next?

I think doc needs to add more installation case and more detail.

What’s your environment like?

  • Pomerium version (retrieve with pomerium --version): latest
  • Server Operating System/Architecture/Cloud: aws eks

Additional context

I am looking for secure access tool for aws rds from developer’s PC.
In this case, can I use pomerium, right?

Hi there, thanks for reaching out.

I am looking for secure access tool for aws rds from developer’s PC.
In this case, can I use pomerium, right?

Yes. Can we invite you for Pomerium Zero beta, our newest product? It will help you skip the need to install cert manager.